Our online GIS system has a flexible map rendering module, which is able to quickly display base maps, orthophotos and other map content. The user can place points of interest (POI) markers on a map, assign it to a category, and attach alphanumeric data, web links and files to it.
Beyond 2D content, the system can also display 3D models. One can attach data to objects in the model, almost like like in 2D. The 3D environment can be explored from multiple viewpoints: the user can walk the streets, or even fly above the city. One can run complex queries, and find POIs or 3D objects based on the data attached to them.
In April, 2013 we've delivered the GIS system of the 688 homesteads served by the local social service institute of the city of Gyula, Hungary (Gyulai Kistérség Egységes Szociális és Gyermekjóléti Intézménye). The system has been conceived by the workers of the insitute, and MindiGIS Ltd. have designed, implemented and installed the final product. Since then, the system has been hosted and maintained by our company. Main users include the family care center, firefighters and the ambulance.
For each homestead, the system stores access routes with key waypoints: GPS coordinates, characteristic photos, additional information (eg.: "key to the gate is to be found at the dam guard"); homestead specific data includes name, address, photo of the building. It also stores other user-defined data, like public utility connections or any other data relevant to the workers. The system and the data contained within is only available to entitled users.